Saturday, November 30, 2013

[flinging moonlight . . .]

flinging moonlight
out of the trees
like milk
I am for a moment
more wind than woman

A Hundred Gourds 2:4, Sept. 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013


the ping
of blueberries
filling the bucket
one by one
the years

I mend
the broken basket
that once held meadowsweet
for mother’s funeral—
the weight of ripe melons

arms outstretched
in a blackbird wind
I dance
my tiny role
in the pantomime

dapples of  light
fall across my future
gravesite . . .
on a neighboring stone
the one word laughter

--Ribbons  9:2, Fall 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

blackbirds and a raven

I stay drunk
on the ten thousand things
rising and falling
without cease
a flock of winter blackbirds

A Hundred Gourds 2:3, June 2013

a raven
across the sky
    my wild mind
in his beak

Tinywords 13.2, 8/16/13

Friday, November 8, 2013

[a harvest mouse] / Skylark's Nest Award

I am delighted to announce that the following poem is the Skylark's Nest Award Winner in the brand-new winter issue of Skylark:

a harvest mouse
gathering seeds
she didn’t sow . . .
in my seventh decade
a thin sheaf of poems

Skylark 1: 2,  Winter 2013