Wednesday, July 10, 2013

[gently I tug . . .]

gently I tug
the snake’s translucent skin
free of the grass—
more and more my hands
resemble my mother’s

American Tanka 22: June, 2013

Saturday, July 6, 2013

hide and seek

after a painting
of the same name
by Carol Hamlin

the words
of a child’s prayer
to Our Father
dead on my lips
I enter a silent grove

in this hollow
between hills
like breasts,
my search for bloodroot
still blooming

to name what stirs
in dappled light
I cry out only come
come come come

            Lynx XXVIII: 2, June 2013

The photograph was taken on the Appalachian Trail over Hump Mountain, in the Roan Highlands, on the NC/TN state line--among the most beautiful places on the eastern seaboard.